
DZF-Project: Gerard J. Mulder

Flow Cytometer

Gerard J. Mulder
Division of Toxicology, LACDR, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands


Begin and End of the Project: 1991

In 1991 the Doehrenkamp-Zbinden foundation enabled Prof. Dr Gerard J. Mulder of the Division of Toxicology of the Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Drug Research (LACDR) at Leiden University to buy a Flow cytometer to be used in the research of the division.

Professor Zbinden was impressed by the quality of the research on cellular mechanisms of toxicity in our division and wanted to support this work by providing us with a flow cytometer. This instrument has greatly helped us in our research since, and we are in the mean time considering the purchase of our third flow cytomoter since the one we received from Prof. Zbinden.

Prof. Zbinden participated at that time in courses we were giving in Leiden, so that he got to know what was going on in our lab.

We got the flow cytometer because Prof. Zbinden wanted to help us in our research in vitro on molecular and cellular mechanisms of toxicity.